What You Are Looking for is in the Library, by Michiko Aoyama - Milly

Library. What a nice sounding word. So comforting. I feel like a student again.

Library... Am I allowed to borrow books?

What You Are Looking for is in the Library is a beautifully written collection of stories about the magic of libraries, and just how life-changing a good book recommendation can be.

In each chapter we meet a different person who’s searching for something in their life. They always end up in the library, and when talking to the librarian, the seemingly mercurial Ms Komachi, she somehow seems to know exactly what books people need.

Reading this book was an absolute joy. The writing is superb, Michiko Aoyama has created amazing characters, and each of the stories felt like one huge embrace, all of them offering a glimpse into another person's life. We soon realise that each of the characters are struggling, they cannot make decisions, and are often at a pivotal moment in their lives. The reader is drawn immediately into the heart of each story, soon caring about the characters and their particular challenges.

This is a book about the importance of books and communities, and how we are all ultimately connected with the power of the written word. Everyday throughout libraries across the world, people come and leave, connecting with each other and with books.

Books don't just nourish our souls, our hearts, and minds. They provide a connection for people in search of hope, inspiration, and answers to the questions that many of us are seeking. Reading for me does not get much better than this magical, delightful, must-read book. I see the world in a completely new light, such is the power of books!

I loved this book. Highly recommended.

  • Milly


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