Into the Faerie Hill, by HS Norup - Jaxon, aged 9

I loved every part of this book, I couldn't even pick a favourite bit!

It is the story of a boy who travelled to his granny's house in the forest. It's a little cottage where lots of magical things happen. For example, statues start moving and, when he went out to get something from the car, the bush was moving... he didn't know it at the time but they were faeries.

His granny's house was a small cottage surrounded by trees, and his mum and dad don't believe him when he tells then what he keeps seeing. He then meets Saga, a wonderful faerie who shows him the amazing place that surrounds his granny's little cottage.

Alfred then finds out his dad is working on a project that will destroy this magical land that he has just discovered, and Alfred and Saga go on a mission to try and stop it.

The description that the author used in the books was amazing, it really helped me imagine the beautiful, magical place that this is.

There is a map at the front of the book, which is brilliant because it shows sink holes and the volcano ruins - it also has a plan of the cottage where granny lives (and Alfred is staying during the story).

Alfred is my favourite character in the book, because he loved discovering the magical land and makes friends with the faeries.

This book gets 5 stars from me (can I give it 6?)

  • Jaxon, aged 9


Open Throat, by Henry Hoke - Sian


The Stolen Hours, by Karen Swan - Clare