Heresy: Jesus Christ and the Other Sons of God, by Catherine Nixey - Tom

Like the author, I was brought up in a Christian household and, also like the author, I have lapsed from that faith. Now approaching 76 years of age I still don’t have answers to many of the questions that caused me to move away from the Catholic church. This book goes a long way to answering some of the questions I have had about Christianity and the existence of Jesus.  To committed Christians this book may seem like Heresy, which is a subject also dealt with by the author.

This book is written in 19 easy-to-read chapters, each of which deal with a variation on differences in Christianity that are still to be found in many parts of the world, and with the depth of research so impressive, I found each chapter to be really informative. Some of these differing versions of Christianity are still to be found and can be traced back to the time of Christ. These variations will not be familiar to those of us brought up in Western Christianity as they have developed independently of Rome. The number of persons who claimed to be the son of God or actually to be God in human form was a surprise to me.

I recommend this book to any person of an enquiring nature, particularly where Jesus and Christianity are concerned. Catherine Nexey has, in my opinion, written a book which deserves to be widely read and which I thoroughly enjoyed.

  • Tom


Eating with the Tudors, by Brigitte Webster - Colin


The List of Suspicious Things, by Jennie Godfrey - Sue