Fresh Water, by Isabella Gibson - Sophie, aged 9

I really liked this book.

It’s about Perce and her cousin Peri. They go to the ocean and they find out that they can turn into mermaids. They then go on an adventure to see if there are any other secrets their parents have been hiding from them.

They find the truth about Perce’s father (who vanished when she was a toddler) and why she struggles, more than the others, to breath underwater. As she comes to terms with all of this, her Aunt gets kidnapped and they have to race to rescue her.

I liked there were short sentences that built suspense and I liked the chapter names because they were hints about what is about to happen (like sea legs).

My favourite bit of the book is when they were all on the mission to save their aunt.

My favourite character was Peri, I liked her personality and how her name sounds a bit like pearls.

I loved that this book was all about blended families and embracing the differences between their two worlds (the land and the sea).

If you like mermaids and the sea, you will love this book.

4 out of 5 stars.

  • Sophie, aged 9. Winton Primary School.


Legends & Lattes, by Travis Baldree - Jodie


Bovril & Sherry, by Andy Wilkinson - Colin