"The Three Books that Kept Me Going through Lockdown" - Olivia Lawton
Escaping into a good book has perhaps never been quite as needed as during the past two years. The Evening Standard reported that sales of fiction grew by 16% in 2020 due to the Covid lockdowns. And sales of physical books are continuing to rise.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I have read more than ever since the pandemic hit.
For many of us, the habit of reading is one that falls by the wayside once we enter the world of work, and in recent years people have found themselves more and more drawn to smartphones and screens instead of reading books. Social media has replaced the go-to distraction of a book when standing in line for coffee, taking a journey, or waiting for your train to pull into the station.
But then we entered lockdown. We suddenly had spare time to turn to books – the perfect form of indoor entertainment. We stayed at home to be safe. And living in such uncertain times had many of us feeling a little anxious or discombobulated.
As an avid reader already, my suggestion to friends and family during this unpredictable time was to turn to books. Especially fiction. Many of us love to read fiction but find it difficult to put time into this valuable and relaxing activity. Reading can deepen your emotional intelligence and empathy and allow your mind to rest. It can also be a wonderful form of escapism.
As you can imagine, I read my way through lots of great titles during the lockdowns, but there were several books that really stood out to me during this time:
The Giver of Stars, by JoJo Moyes (Historical Fiction)
Inspired by a true story, The Giver of Stars is an incredibly moving historical fiction novel. Did you know Eleanor Roosevelt started a traveling library program, and many women answered the call to become traveling librarians? These women travelled on horseback to bring books to those living in rural areas, which was especially important for women and children unable to get to a library or without access to books otherwise.
The story centres mainly around Alice and Margery. Alice is an English woman who is quite restless and not understood by her family, so she impulsively jumps at the chance of marrying an American man, hoping this will give her the opportunity for new adventures. Sadly, Alice’s marriage is not what she hoped it to be, and she soon finds herself feeling very unhappy. When Alice begins volunteering to help with the travelling library, run by Margery, she relishes in the freedom it brings her. I particularly enjoyed how the author explored Alice’s love of nature, as she and the other women deliver books packed in saddle bags, in all kinds of weather, winding their way through dark forests and along remote mountain trails.
Despite their various backgrounds and issues at home, the women become a family providing encouragement and support, not only to one another but also to every household they visit to share books and they share the joy of reading with so many different people.
I knew very little of the WPA library but love that I learned more about it from reading this novel. The strength and fortitude these ladies showed is incredible, and the main characters in the book reflect this with their hard work, strength of character, and loyalty to one another.

Humankind: A Hopeful History, by Rutger Bregman (Non-Fiction)
It’s a belief that unites the left and right, psychologists and philosophers, writers and historians. It drives the headlines that surround us and the laws that touch our lives. From Machiavelli to Hobbes, Freud to Dawkins, the roots of this belief have sunk deep into Western thought. Human beings, we’re taught, are by nature selfish, and governed by self-interest.
Humankind makes a new argument: that it is realistic, as well as revolutionary, to assume that people are good. The instinct to cooperate rather than compete, trust rather than distrust, has an evolutionary basis that goes right back to the beginning of our species. Thinking the worst of others not only affects how we regard other people, but our politics and economics too.
Bergman challenges our often-cynical view of humanity. To back up his theory, he re-examines some very well-known events in history and suggests that the key facts may have been altered to fit a narrative which shows humans in a very negative light.
This was such a timely read for me during the first lockdown, in times when we so importantly needed to unite and work together. It is an extraordinary, uplifting history of human capacity for kindness.
Humankind really is a wonderful read - accessible and full of great stories. In a world of cynicism, a little positivity goes a long way!

The Priory of The Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon (Fantasy)
The Priory of The Orange Tree is a stand-alone high fantasy epic, led by an impressive cast of memorable female characters. I was truly blown away with how the author so effortlessly built a fantasy world that has a vast history of politics and religious clashes. The book is an engrossing fantasy set in a world that is both like and unlike our own.
With a length of over 800 pages, this novel might seem a little daunting to many readers, but the story pacing is fantastic and there’s never a dull moment. From the very start I was gripped by the writing and desperate to see where the next chapter would lead. It was a joy to escape into this fantasy world and leave all thoughts of the pandemic behind for a while.
The sheer scope of the story is out of this world - brimming with detail and ideas, and bursting with various characters types, languages, and perspectives. Although this is a single novel, it really feels like several books stitched together. It’s an addictive read, and I loved all the elements of feminism featured throughout the book.
The Priory of The Orange Tree absolutely works on its own, but I was sad to reach the end. Fortunately, there is more to come! Samantha Shannon has now revealed there is a new sequel on the way. A Day of Fallen Night will return readers to the world of The Priory of the Orange Tree in January 2023. I can’t wait!

It’s been wonderful to see so many people rediscovering their love of reading – a sentiment which I know is shared by the lovely booksellers at Westbourne. The family-owned independent bookshop is a must-visit anytime I find myself in the area, whether it’s to buy, browse, or simply just to pop in for a chat. I’ll often get some really wonderful recommendations or share thoughts on a current read with whoever is behind the till!
I have chosen to feature only these select few titles from my Quarantine reading because the complete list would be far too long to include here! Perhaps you can have a think about what your reading highlights of the pandemic have been…maybe you’ll share my difficulty in trying to narrow down to just one or two? In times of difficulty and lockdown boredom, I’m so pleased I was able to find solace from reality in the pages of fiction. I hope many of you feel the same.
Just a quick note about me - My name is Olivia, and I am a self-confessed book addict. Through social media, I share my love of literature and enjoy reviewing, promoting, and of course reading as many books as possible! If you use Instagram, I’d love you to drop in and say hello on my account @BookramblingsbyOlivia, or alternatively you can find me at www.bookramblingsbyolivia.com. I’m excited to be teaming up with Westbourne bookshop who have kindly invited me to contribute this article for their website. Thanks so much for reading.