Old Rage, by Sheila Hancock - Christine
Try as I might, I could not warm to this book. I had expected to do so as I admire Sheila Hancock’s skill and versatility as an actress, and often appreciate her forthright way of speaking out – even when I don’t agree with her. But this hotchpotch of a book did not engage me.
Her writings about being in lockdown during the height of the pandemic, about her family, and her anxiety and fear of the effects of lockdown on all young people, is clearly deeply felt, and her despair is real and. Her writing conveys her emotions well! But for me, it was too “bitty”. It was a bit of a diary... bit of a memoir... bit of raging against everything. But the bits did not make a satisfactory whole.
I am sure others will (loudly) disagree, so maybe it is just me…
- Christine